Hand painted Canvas Tote Bags

art piece on your shoulder


Not just another Canvas Tote Bag

Passion & Creativity

Unique and original design.

Pure Cotton

100% cotton canvas.

Hand Painted

We use special permanent washable fabric paint. Tote bag's designs were crafted by experienced artist.

Created With Love

Each design on artsy tote bag was created with great love and care.

Flaws are good

Painting flaws are important part of hand painted work. It adds more originality.

Fast Shipping

If it is not custom made design, we will ship your artsy tote bag in 1-2 days.

seven fun ways using artsy tote bag

How You Can Use Your Tote Bag

how to use your tote bag purse

use it as a purse

All your favorite every day things will fit into artsy tote bag!

tote bag gift

as a gift

Gift it to your friend or significant one!

tote bag cary books

Carry your books

Put your favorite books into artsy tote bag to read in coffee shop!

Go to a Beach

A towel, a sunscreen, and a book could be useful at the beach!

use it for your groceries

Grocery shopping can be fun with artsy tote bag!

fasion statment

Make a fashion statement

Artsy tote bag looks stylish!

Make an art Statement

Treat your artsy tote bag as an art object!

free delivery with orders over $100

packaged with love

We will send you your artsy tote bag in nice soft package which will be packed with great love and care. So you can enjoy unwrapping process and experience as it is Christmas with Artsy Tote Bag.

Let’s Talk Artsy Tote Bag

[email protected]